
October 2015

Can you find all 15?

An Eden Arts collaborative installation project with artists Adrian Lochhead, Robyn Woolston, David Gaffney, Bernadette Russell and Dan Thompson. An addition to the street furniture in Penrith town centre these signs invite you to think differently, with tongue firmly in cheek.

When you drive down the road, there are signs in place to direct traffic, there are signs on footpaths giving us directions, there are signs for our safety – in fact let’s face it there are signs for pretty much every aspect of our lives… their meanings are clear and concise and keep everything running smoothly…or do they…

In 2015 20 signs were created, however over the years some signs have been adopted or removed. 15 remain in place in the town of Penrith.

The signs have now been converted into a Geocaching trail which has now been found around 30 times (Nov 2018)

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  • Eden District Council
  • Supported using public funding by Arts Council England