Artists Spare Room | Cathy Masser

Eden Art's invitation back in Winter 2018 for artists to ‘work on anything and use the spaces in any way they wish’ sounded kind of like the creative equivalent of being a kid in a sweet shop, in this beautiful land called ‘Eden’. And all they asked was to contribute to their blog and cook a vegan lunch for the office on Tuesday. I was naturally delighted to accept this offer, and I inhabited their ‘Artists’ Spare Room’ during the last week of March.

Having cooked lunch (vegan curry), herewith is my blog!


I am an interiors and portrait photographer. This week at the Old Fire Station has given me the time to start working on a couple of personal projects which seem to get brushed aside - that’s what this week is about for me. People, houses, social media, industry and technology are themes which I am interested in and hope to explore some of them in Penrith and Carlisle. Over the last couple of weeks, I have made phone-calls, and and written emails to contributors; plus with Eden Arts also helping out with a call-out for participants I had a good range of subjects and I will be photographing them this week. Bryoney showed me Penrith this morning, which proffered another fantastic contributor who was up for being photographed who lives in what must be one of the most eye-catching houses in town, so I was very, very pleased with that. There was also a lot of chat about the best charity shops, architectural salvage and after-hours travel (sounds really problematic!).


You have to hand it to the people of Penrith - they are the most open, friendly and chatty people. Strangers smiled at me. And strangers talked to me.

Spent the morning with a local businesswoman who explained how she has embedded technology in every aspect of her life to communicate and get the ultimate in productivity.


Never mind Blencathra. I walked up Graham Street to the ridge for a shoot today.


I chose not to bring my laptop away with me and getting the images off my card, and printing them unedited put me well out of my comfort zone - but mucking about on the photocopier was pure pleasure (haven’t done that for ages!). This part of the experience has probably been the most valuable in terms of my creative practice.


This has been a really inspiring week - Eden Arts think a bit differently and have a unique approach to art and culture. I put up a lot of A3 prints yesterday, and took some down this morning to leave space for the next Artist in Residence… ;-)

Thanks to all at Eden Arts, and special thanks to Adrian, Heather, Jo and Bryoney

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  • Eden District Council
  • Supported using public funding by Arts Council England